The Lonely Cross

The cross, standing tall amidst the global unrest, serves as a poignant reminder of sacrifice, redemption, and undying love. In a world where Ukraine and the Middle East bear witness to the scars of war, and communities globally grapple with the sting of violence and hatred, the cross emerges as a beacon of hope and unity.

It doesn't merely symbolise a past event but resonates with a profound message relevant for today: reconciliation. Every timber and nail speaks of a love so encompassing that it aims to bridge chasms, heal wounds, and bring estranged hearts together.

When we gaze upon the cross, we're not just looking at a religious artefact but a call to action — a plea to rise above our prejudices, to let go of our grievances, and to strive for a world marked by compassion, understanding, and fraternity. In these turbulent times, the cross implores us to remember that at the heart of faith is the command to love one another, and it's this love that holds the power to unify a divided world.
