God Mindshare

I work in Marketing, and discussions on Branding, Loyalty, and Mindshare are always prevalent. Sometimes, when these terms are mentioned, my thoughts drift to how they can also relate to our connection with God and the time we dedicate daily to thinking about, speaking to, and worshipping Him - each in our unique, quiet way.

How much of our day is spent contemplating God? Do we wonder if He's observing us? Pondering His actions and His plans, if that's even a conceivable thought? I believe that while it may not equate to direct prayer, merely reflecting on our Heavenly Father, in our genuine human manner, can fortify our bond with Him and amplify our faith and spiritual cognizance.
What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also. 1 Corinthians 14:15
So, endeavour to keep God foremost in your thoughts throughout the day. And if you ever find yourself distracted, pause briefly to recalibrate your focus on what truly matters.
