
Showing posts from 2023

In the Wings of 2023: Gratitude, Repentance, and Hope

Daily Prayer: Starting and Ending the Day Right

Divine Love: The Pinnacle Gift of Christmas

400 Years of Silence

Shepherds' Elation: Embracing Joy in the Simple Moments

Luke 1:38 - Mary Embraces the Lord's Call

Embracing Tranquility: A Pilgrimage of Inner Peace

Matthew 8:8 - Embracing Humility

The Dawn of Hope: Prophetic Promises and Their Fulfilment

Luke 21:1 - A Widow's Total Surrender

Not Being Wrong is Not Good Enough

Luke 19:26: Unleashing God's Promise of Abundance

The complexity of God: Vengeance and Love

Where are the other nine? Luke 17:17 - Remembering Gratitude

Choosing faith for our children

Carrying the Cross of Discipleship

The Saints Among Us

The Joy of Attending Sunday Mass

God Mindshare

The Lonely Cross

Born Catholic, Continually Seeking