Not Being Wrong is Not Good Enough

We try very hard not to do wrong.
So we cross at the pedestrian crossings and clear our trays at food courts.

But not doing wrong is not the same as doing good.

As Christians, not doing wrong is just not good enough.

The selfless and compassionate life we are called for goes the distance like the Samaritan who stopped and cared for a stranger.

Doing good means resisting the urge to say something cutting and sarcastic and instead say a kind word to a stranger or to a family member.

Doing good comes from being good.

A plant cannot help but grow leaves.

When we remember that we are good, that we were created for good, being good comes automatically and then doing good happens, like we cannot help it.

The good in us is the image of our Creator.

God is good and therefore we are good. Let that flow to every area of our lives.
