The Saints Among Us

All Saints Day is a day when the Catholic Church honours these individuals whose lives have become shining examples of faith, virtue, and selflessness. But why do we have saints? What purpose do they serve in our faith story?

Saints play a crucial role as intercessors. We believe they have a direct connection to God, a kind of spiritual hotline. We ask for their prayers, seeking their divine intervention. Just as we ask our friends and family to pray for us during difficult times, saints are our heavenly prayer warriors and powerful intermediaries, whispering our petitions into God's ear,

Saints are also our role models. They inspire us to strive for holiness. Their stories show us that a life of faith is not just a historical ideal but an attainable goal. We see in them what it means to love our neighbour, forgive our enemies, and live with unwavering trust in God.

Saints are also witnesses to faith. Their lives testify to the transformative power of a relationship with Christ. They demonstrate that faith is not just a set of beliefs but a way of living, loving, and serving. Through their actions, they affirm the profound impact that faith can have on an individual and, by extension, on the world.

One noteworthy saint who embodies these ideals is St. Francis of Assisi. Known for his love for nature, an affinity for simplicity and a life of poverty, and his boundless humility, he continues to stir our hearts us today. His message of caring for the environment and reaching out to the marginalized rings especially true to the urgent challenges of our time. St. Francis's relevance is a reminder that the teachings and lives are timeless.

In God's eyes, we are all saints, called to walk in the footsteps of those who have gone before us in faith. While we may not have statues or feast days dedicated to us, we each have the capacity to live lives of love, service, and devotion. Through our daily actions and the way we treat one another, we can emulate their virtues and strive to be a beacon of God's love in the world. In this sense, we are all saints in the making, working towards the same ultimate goal: to be in eternal communion with our Heavenly Father. So, as we celebrate All Saints Day, let us also remember our own call to holiness, knowing that we, too, have the potential to shine as lights in God's kingdom.
