Last Will and Testament

Last Will and Testament.
Always prudent to have one.

I wonder though ... as Christians, if we should have an extra Last Will and Testament.

Sure, it is important to bequeath all our worldly possessions but how about a Last Will and Testament where we leave our faith in God with those we love and those we meet?

Where through the way we have lived our lives, people around us are touched to believe, where faith is renewed.

As Christian parents, leaving the house and the money to the children is important but perhaps we could consider that what is even more important is the faith in God that we leave with them.

We've all come to understand how God has carried us through the roughest parts of our lives.

How much more important is it then to hand over, hand down, this faith to our children who will live through their own rough patches in life, even when we are long gone from this earth?

We teach them Maths and Science and how to make money but we really need to teach them how to reach heaven one day.

For how tragic will our lives be if we spend eternity in heaven and our children do not? If our loved ones do not?

Regret is perhaps the worst feeling in the world to have.

The good news is that there is still time to adjust our Last Will and Testament. Adjust it so our loved ones inherit eternity with God.
