The Side Eye in Church

One would think that church is the one place we should feel safe from having to worry about side-eye looks.

One would be wrong.

When a woman in a short skirt or a skimpy top walks in, don't look at her. Look around instead and see the several aggrieved expressions.

The other day, I saw 3 elderly ladies chatting quietly before Mass began. Another elderly lady behind them took the trouble to tell them off for chatting.

It happens.

Maybe it is not such a great idea to be forced to sit in silence supposedly talking to God because it frees our eyes to see and then our brains to conclude on what we should not even comment on in silence.

The thing with the woman in the short skirt though is that at least she has come to church.

Would we rather she and her short skirt stay at home instead?

Let others work out their own salvation with God because oh the thoughts we think sometimes of judgement and condemnation ... they have no place in church or even as a silent thought.

At the end of the day, would a short skirt or our criticising thoughts make it through the pearly gates?

We have condemned ourselves with our own condemning thoughts much more than that woman in the short skirt is condemned.

Ah, the irony of it all.
