Reaching Our Own

In Matthew, Jesus' directive to "Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" highlights a focused mission to reach those who were considered God's chosen people. This instruction underscores the importance of tending to one's own community. It serves as a reminder that while the broader world is in need of the Gospel, we must not neglect the ones closest to us who may have strayed. By concentrating on the "lost sheep" within our own circles, we can strengthen our communities, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to rediscover and reconnect with God.

Many individuals inside our own families, congregations, and neighbourhoods may feel disconnected from their faith due to various challenges and life circumstances. By emulating Jesus' approach, we can offer support, understanding, and compassion to those around us who are struggling. This not only fosters a sense of belonging and spiritual growth within our immediate community but also prepares us to extend our outreach beyond, embodying the inclusive and restorative love of Christ.
