Trusting God's Timing

We are like children crying out to our Father, "I want this, and I want it now!" As humans, we are impatient, desiring quick solutions and immediate outcomes. Whether it’s a new opportunity, a relationship, or the resolution of a challenge, we demand results on our own terms. However, life frequently teaches us not to expect things to happen our way.

God, who sees the bigger picture, knows our true needs. While we may long for instant rewards, He recognises that timing is crucial. Our wants may not be right for us yet, or perhaps we need to grow before receiving them. His delays are not rejections but moments of preparation, shaping us for something greater. When we trust His pace, we often discover blessings beyond our imagination.

In trusting His plan, we find peace knowing His provision is ideal. As scripture reminds us, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" (Isaiah 55:8). God never denies us what we need to grow; the pauses are opportunities to develop faith, patience, and wisdom. By releasing our impatience and allowing Him to work in His way, we experience the fulfilment of His will, which is always better than anything we could have planned ourselves.
