Embracing Rest in a Busy World

We live in a 24/7 world where many of us have no qualms about bringing work home, even on Sundays. We’re tied to our computers, constantly checking emails and messages from our colleagues, with little separation between our professional and personal lives. The pressure to be productive at all times has become the norm, and we often feel guilty for pausing. In this culture of non-stop activity, the concept of taking a break, especially for inner renewal, is frequently neglected.

Yet, God designed periods of respite as a necessary part of our spiritual and physical well-being. From the very beginning, He set an example by ceasing work on the seventh day of creation. The Sabbath is not just a suggestion but a commandment — an opportunity to pause, reflect, and reconnect with Him. When we overlook these moments of restoration, we risk burnout, strained relationships, and a weakened faith. Taking intentional time for rejuvenation allows us to quiet our minds, focus on God, and regain strength for the challenges ahead.

In a world used to glorifying busyness, embracing tranquillity might seem radical. By honouring the Sabbath, we demonstrate our trust in God’s provision and acknowledge that our worth isn’t tied to constant activity. Jesus reminds us, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Finding peace in God's presence is not only a gift but a reminder true peace and rejuvenation flow from Him alone.
