Our purpose

The regular Catholic, has a Bible at home. But how often is it opened to be read? Maybe if there are young children in the family, or the retired who are beginning to rediscover a closeness with God.

The regular Catholic, doesn't really pray everyday, or even before meals. Unless a sudden crises falls upon them and they have no where else to turn to.

The regular Catholic, might not even go for Mass on the weekends, choosing instead to spend Sunday mornings at Starbucks, reading the newspaper or catching up on their mobile surfing or gaming. They might even consider it time reclaimed.

These are the unseen majority among us who can't be touched by a priest's sermons, nor a verse in the Bible, nor a joyful hymn sung by the choir, nor the fervent chatter of the fellowship. These are the "unreachables".

The words we type are not guaranteed to reach them, but with the power of social media and sharing they just might show up in their news feeds as they sip their lattes, or cling to the subway handles.

We might not have the power to pierce their hearts, or shatter the ice, but we can try to warm them with stories from our hearts, and questions to ponder, hopefully taking them one step closer to God.

What else can we do?