What inspires us

As we go through our lives, day by day, these moments occasionally come along which makes us stop and think about what life really means. And that God is really there, watching over us in ways we cannot comprehend.

Moments of silence, and stillness; we feel the air flowing over our body, our entire being, wrapping us in a protection that makes us feel secure and protected. Do we allow ourselves to feel this?

A talk or sermon that we hear, or just something a friend said, just when we needed it most. God makes use of others to reach out to us, to probe our hearts - waiting for the right response, a call to action. Do we listen and respond?

The living beauty of nature, even in our urban jungle. Through the buildings, creation still flourishes with trees wanting to burst through the concrete to reach the sun; animals and insects still buzz around, but out of our sight and minds, going about their own daily chores, guided by the hand of God Himself. Do we notice and recognise?

Will you give yourself the time and space to be inspired?